
Saturday, May 05, 2007

Doctoral Program in Accounting, Houston University - JYI

Doctoral Program in Accounting

Learning goals associated with the Ph.D. program in Accountancy and Taxation focus on equipping graduates with:

  1. the capacity to produce publishable accounting research,
  2. an ability to function independently as a competent accounting researcher within the broader business organizational context,
  3. sufficient knowledge as well as interviewing and presentation skills to qualify for a faculty position upon completion of the program,
  4. skills required to competently teach a full semester class at the college sophomore or above level, and
  5. tools necessary to evaluate, interpret, and synthesize existing accounting research

The doctoral program is research-oriented. Its primary goal is to train scholars to contribute to the growing body of academic and practical accounting knowledge. A secondary goal is to prepare educators to instruct future accountants, scholars, and business persons.


Yuna Ito

Endless Story (Ost. Nana),

Journey (Ost. Nana) ,

Truth (Ost. Nana 2)