TBS - Department of Accounting & Finance, Glasgow University
Welcome to the Department of Accounting & Finance’s section on postgraduate taught degrees. This section is aimed to give you all the information that you will need to come and study in the Department of Accounting and Finance at Glasgow University. The Department is one of the longest established accounting departments in the United Kingdom and has earned a respected reputation for the quality of its research and teaching. In the last Research Assessment Exercise in 2001, the Department gained a 5 rating.
In "The Good University Guide" issued by The Times, this department is rated top in Scotland and 5th in the UK. The different Universities were ranked by the overall combined score from four indicators: assessments of teaching quality and research, average A-Level/Higher scores of entrants and destinations. The destinations figure is the percentage of graduates who go on to graduate-type jobs or further study. While being delighted with this result, we are committed to aim even higher.
In a recent ranking of 253 European universities in terms of publications in 19 top accounting journals, Glasgow University was ranked 7th overall in Europe for accounting research output, rising to 5th in the more recent period.
We shall give you information about Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, with a population of around 750,000, which is situated on the west coast of Scotland with ready access to countryside of outstanding natural beauty and we shall give you information about the University of Glasgow, which is one of the oldest and most prestigious seats of learning, founded in 1451. The Department is housed, in a terrace of houses, in the Main Campus called Gilmorehill. These buildings house our academic staff, our administrative staff, our Research Library, computer laboratories, our doctoral students and our undergraduate and postgraduate students. In November 2006, we shall be moving, along with our doctoral students to refurbished accommodation in the West Quadrangle of the Gilbert Scott building.
Our postgraduate programme is designed to help satisfy the growing demand for rigorous and well-trained researchers and practitioners in all aspects of accounting & finance. With the rapid growth of global change in organisations, economies, societies and education, the need for researchers and practitioners of the highest quality has never been higher. Over the past years, our postgraduate programme has proved so successful that we have had to cap the number of places available. We have applicants from all parts of the world and many go on to achieve national and international reputations in their fields.
Postgraduate Degrees will give you detailed information regarding the various specialised degrees the Department offers.
Postgraduate Modules will give you a breakdown of the compulsory subjects taught and the options of the additional subjects that are available.
Postgraduate Timetable will give you the current timetable for this academic year.
How to Apply will direct you to Student Recruitment and Admissions Services, who deal with all applications. It will give you all the information you will need to apply to study in the Department. It will give you our entry requirements including language requirements. It is in your own interest to apply well in advance of the planned entry date, if possible.
Fees, Funding & Scholarship will give you the current fees for our postgraduate degrees in this Department, and an estimate of the cost of living in Glasgow. It will also give you information on the various scholarships available including the dates by which you must apply.
Postgraduate Support will give you information about the support within the Department that you will receive. It will also give you information about the welfare support and social support that the University offers, including the Accommodation Section. The campus is accessible to the physically disabled, and care is taken to meet the special needs of all students.
Postgraduate Student Handbook takes you to the Course Information Handbook to be read, noted and kept for future reference. You will be given a hard copy of this when you start your degree and it is a very important document. It gives you all the information you will need, plus the rules and regulations.
source: http://www.accfin.gla.ac.uk/Accfin/
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