
Friday, October 12, 2007

TOAK - The Duke MBA, Fuqua School of Business

As you’re comparing curriculums at business schools around the world, one of the first differences you’ll notice about the Duke MBA is the breadth and depth of our content and the strength of our faculty. Ranked among the top ten business schools in the country in every single functional area rated by BusinessWeek magazine in 2004, Duke offers students excellent education in all aspects of business practice.

This breadth, built on our world-class multi-disciplinary faculty, offers you what we call our Research Advantage — an unparalleled ability to help you go beyond the “basics” and bring the insights of cutting-edge research in all subject areas of relevance to your career.

And with our global focus and the opportunity to concentrate on an area of particular interest within a general management framework, the Duke MBA provides outstanding preparation for a career in today’s complex, multicultural, and multinational business environment.

As a Duke MBA student, you will start the process of developing collaborative leadership and organizational management skills along with a global outlook the moment you step into our program, during the first term “Global Institute”.

You will then dive into a rigorous exploration of the major functional areas in business, gaining a firm foundation in economics, quantitative analysis and statistics, accounting, finance, marketing, strategy, and operations management, while reinforcing your functional skills with additional management communications education.

As you continue in the program, you have the choice of undertaking a wide-ranging general management education designed to suit your individual goals, or of focusing more directly on particular career paths through a variety of inter-disciplinary concentration and certificate opportunities.

Flexible and Focused
Duke MBA courses are taught in six-week terms. This arrangement allows you to take more courses (three or four per term) with the same number of faculty contact hours as in a more traditional system—giving you greater breadth of knowledge without sacrificing depth.

Thanks to this term schedule, you will have taken at least five elective courses by the end of your first year—more if you exempt core courses or elect to take the FleX Term, a two-week winter term with key career electives that help you prepare for summer internship opportunities.

This structure gives you the opportunity to explore a particular area in more depth, which provides a competitive edge as well as additional knowledge to draw upon as you consider, interview for, and then begin your summer internship.

This flexibility continues through your second year, when you can select from a broad menu of elective courses as you move toward job interviews and career choices.

This flexible, yet focused, format with a rich array of courses that are informed by the latest research and business trends offers you the opportunity to gain both the depth needed for early career success and the breadth needed for lifelong success.

Global Knowledge
At Duke, your intellectual range knows no boundaries.

The Duke MBA program begins with a three-week-long Global Institute held in August. The newly implemented institute features two core courses—Leadership, Ethics, and Organization and Global Institutions and Environment. The Global Institute begins the process of helping you become a collaborative leader with a deep understanding of the multifaceted global business environment.

With an internationally experienced faculty, a curriculum informed by global business trends, a cosmopolitan student body, and partnerships with leading corporations and public organizations worldwide, your Duke MBA will help you graduate with an international perspective on business that gives you a competitive edge in today’s global economy.

You will also have multiple opportunities to experience business and cultural practices in other countries firsthand through our extensive array of Global Academic Travel Experience (GATE) courses and exchange programs – indeed, most of our students chose to take advantage of these programs.

For more information regarding international coursework and learning opportunities, please visit the International Center

Inter-disciplinary Depth
The Duke MBA offers optional specialized Concentrations in all of the major functional areas (such as accounting, decision sciences, finance, management, marketing, operations, and strategic consulting) and in topical areas (such as entrepreneurship, international business, leadership and ethics, and social entrepreneurship). Each concentration identifies a set of electives from which you will choose six courses.

Duke MBA concentrations have a common “4-2” structure, where the concentration typically has four courses in a focal area (e.g., Finance) and two courses from other areas that provide supporting breadth for the focal concentration.

This structure of thoughtful, supporting breadth for the focal concentration is absolutely unique among leading business schools – this interdisciplinary feature connects directly to Duke’s tradition of providing a general management education and our reputation for innovation through collaboration. As organizations work toward improved coordination of organizational activities, so, too, your education should reflect how functional activities and skills can be enriched and strengthened by other perspectives.

Concentrations are not required. You may choose none, one, or a maximum of two concentrations. If you choose two concentrations, think of the first concentration providing depth needed for early career success and the second concentration providing breadth needed for lifelong career success. Note that even if you choose two concentrations, you still have room in your schedule for additional electives to customize your MBA experience for either greater depth or breadth, as needed.

Information regarding concentration offerings can be found here.

No matter your career path, your grounding in the principles and practices of general management coupled with opportunities to specialize in a particular set of skills means that your Duke MBA provides a strategic, global perspective that will serve you well throughout their careers.

Specialized Depth and Breadth
Along with Concentrations, the Duke MBA offers several intense Certificate of Excellence programs. Certificates of Excellence serve as a complement to Concentrations, allowing you to distinguish yourself with greater depth of course work in a given area. We are introducing new Certificate of Excellence programs in Finance and Marketing that will likely have depth of six to eight courses in addition to the two distribution requirements as in Concentrations, together with demonstration of above-average academic excellence in the chosen area. As a companion to Concentrations, Certificates of Excellence allow you to send a strong signal about your depth, and the quality of your depth, in a single area. At the same time, if you choose this path you are required to take two additional courses, in total, to ensure that depth does not come at the expense of breadth of general management skills and perspectives necessary for lifelong career success.

A Certificate Program for Fast Track Careers
If you aspire to a business career in the health care industry—whether in pharmaceutical leadership, biotechnology business development, hospital administration, health sector consulting, health sector investment, or other segments of the industry —Duke offers one of the most respected education programs in the world. The HSM program adds a specialized understanding of the unique facets of the health care industry to the general management skills you will acquire in during your core program, teaching you skills you will need to steer your business through the complex issues surrounding health care.


ทุกเช้า ทุกคืน ทุกวัน





TPNK - The Stirling MBA, University of Stirling, Scotland

The Aims And Principles Of The Stirling MBA

The Stirling MBA has been based on several key concepts since its inception:

That it is a general MBA degree, with options for further specialisation, aiming to provide an integrated conceptual and empirical framework within which to understand generic areas of management.

The programme assumes no prior knowledge of business administration. It is an academic conversion programme, where graduates with first degrees in a diversity of subjects can attain professional knowledge of business administration.

That the MBA aims to enhance previous management related work experience, a usual pre-requisite for the programme, by helping students to evaluate their practical business experience from a more professional, academic and research perspective.

That it aims to promote an understanding of a changing, unpredictable and diverse global business environment, and the need for enterprising and flexible approaches and strategies to business management.

The Objectives Of The Programme

To provide students with a rigorous and critical grounding in key generic areas of management.

To enhance the student's ability to evaluate practical business experience from a more academic and critical perspective.

To develop awareness of the changing international business environment.

To provide students who choose to take a specialist MBA with specialist knowledge of their chosen area.

To instil a professional and responsible attitude to management.

To develop self confidence and the ability to present efficient, logical answers to complex problems.

To provide students with technical and problem solving skills to enhance decision making in business.

To enable discussion, debate and analysis of business issues and problems within an international context.

To develop transferable skills (working with groups, presentation and communication skills, problem solving skills).

Meeting The Objectives:

The business world is more internationalised, complex, unpredictable and challenging than it was in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when an MBA usually meant an exacting but relatively uncontroversial training in professional management functions. This rigorous traditional approach is still important, but it has been modified to allow for changing conditions. Today academics and practitioners teaching on the Stirling MBA programmes have to allow for more rapid and uncertain change in the core curriculum and learning outcomes. This is done in several ways. Firstly, though functional areas are still the core of the MBA course, there is now an emphasis on the way core management relates in theory and in practice to wider socio-economic and business environments and changing organisational contexts. These issues are strongly brought out in some courses, particularly those on general management, strategic management, marketing and international business. The need for more flexible approaches to management is also strategically catered for by providing a specialism in entrepreneurship and new venture management.

Secondly, there is less stress on teaching specialised technical skills, as these can become redundant quickly. Instead there is a greater emphasis on encouraging flexibility, initiative and self reliance, and in developing personal transferable skills, which retain their value as career paths in business become more varied and unpredictable. Personal transferable skills are developed throughout the programme, but there is generally a progression from formal structured teaching at the beginning of the programme, with an emphasis on information transmission, to less regulated and more variable teaching methods as the programme proceeds. This culminates in the dissertation project, where self direction is the ruling principle.

Courses vary in the extent to which these two principles are applied, but their overall impact in the programme as a whole is considerable.

A professional attitude towards management is strongly encouraged throughout the duration of the programme. The programme contains a great deal of structured teaching, learning and assessment and is very challenging. The attitudes required in the real business world are stimulated in the programme. Students are encouraged to meet the challenges positively and are urged to pay careful attention to time management and the meeting of deadlines. Just as the failure to meet deadlines for reports, orders etc. can be damaging in the real business world, so the failure to meet assignment deadlines without sufficient cause can have serious consequences on the programme. Poor time management is not an excuse that is tolerated.

Finally, the ability to specialise further is provided by variants in the Spring semester, which can lead to specialist MBA degrees.




, MV

เริ่มจากร้อย MV

TAF4 - London Business School MBA

Why a London Business School MBA?

Studying for an MBA is one of the most important decisions you can make, and choosing the right programme is vital. So why study at London Business School? What can we offer you?

A global network

The London Business School MBA provides you with a truly global network and unlimited opportunities to increase your cultural mobility. Our international mix of students and faculty gives you a crucial advantage in today's competitive marketplace:

Students from over 70 countries speaking 54 languages
Over 90 world class faculty representing over 30 countries
Over 25,000 alumni across 100 countries
34 International Exchange partner schools
7 Global Advisory Boards

The London advantage

We also offer you the chance to study in London, a global powerhouse of finance and business. Our location in the heart of a capital city gives us – and you – superb access to recruiters. International banks, top consulting firms and major industry players are regular visitors to campus, and our proximity to Europe allows easy access to the continent. A gateway to new and emerging markets, London is also at the heart of entrepreneurial activity. It is one of the world's great cultural centres, and a uniquely exciting place in which to live.

An innovative curriculum

Our rigorous and practical MBA curriculum is delivered in a flexible 15-21 month format. Projects and teamwork are key to developing the skills you need to become a global business leader. We strive constantly to improve the quality of our MBA, and recently interviewed over 100 CEOs to find out what they value in business leaders. Along with feedback from recruiters and students, these findings have led us to instigate a number of curriculum changes to our Programme this year. For full details, please click here.

A thriving campus community

It's not all work. Partners and children are an integral part of the community, and there is a wide and varied social scene. Student clubs make a vital contribution to our community and students are responsible for initiating numerous conferences throughout the year. Clubs are active in almost every imaginable professional, sporting and cultural area; some of the most popular clubs on campus include:

Private Equity Club
Women in Business Club
Rugby Club
Wine and Cheese Club
Latin America Club

Programme details
Our rigorous and practical curriculum gives you time to study immersed in an outstandingly international environment. First year core courses provide students with the knowledge and frameworks of general management, while our wide elective portfolio makes the second year one of choice, allowing you to really differentiate yourself. Keep your options open, or choose a concentration from one of six subject areas.

Reciprocal elective enrolment with University College London will allow you a selection of science and technology and real estate electives.

Not every effective business leader develops from the same point. Recent innovations focus on supporting your individual development needs through increased choice, flexibility and speed.

Course waivers for students who already have substantial competence in economics, accounting, statistics or information technology
Flexible credit requirements allow you to take a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 elective courses.

Both these options increase the versatility of your personal programme – by enabling you to take an additional elective course in another area of interest, or to complete your class room studies early, possibly by December of your second year.

Our MBA is not purely about knowledge, it is also about developing the skills you need to become a global leader.

We have allocated twice as much time to our highly successful Professional Development Programme, allowing you the opportunity for skills development in your second year and much broader access to our portfolio.
Career Services Skills Development will help you devise a realistic career strategy and prepare more thoroughly for interviews and handling offers of employment. CSSD counts as one credit.


ปากกับใจตรงกัน- พะแพง AF4

Don't say good bye
- ลูกโป่ง AF4

เนื้อคู่ -Music AF4

คนที่อยู่ตรงหน้า - ต้อล AF4

แค่ชอบ - Nat AF4

ท่องจำเอาไว้, MV - Pop Army

ยังไม่รู้ตัว, MV - Spice Army

Time Machine, MV -Rock Army

หวง, MV - Pop Army

THM - PhD Programs & Financial Engineering at The drucker School, Claremont University

The Drucker School offers two Ph.D. programs:

Ph.D. in Management
The Ph.D. in Management program is designed to allow advanced students to participate in an ongoing program of knowledge creation at the Drucker School. The program is intensive, with high expectations for publication and scholarly contribution. The objective is “to create and disseminate knowledge relevant to critical issues affecting management practice worldwide.” Except in rare cases, applications are not accepted for the Ph.D. in Management program until after a student has completed one year of graduate coursework at Claremont Graduate University. Find out more about the Ph.D. in Management.

Ph.D. in Financial Engineering
A Master of Science in Financial Engineering (MSFE) or comparable degree provides only part of the training such experts will need as they work to analyze, price, and invent the innovative products that modern personal, corporate, and global finance will demand. This training, which can lead to the creation of new knowledge in the field, is appropriately achieved through the depth and breadth of study undertaken in the pursuit of a Ph.D. Applications are not accepted for the Ph.D. in Financial Engineering. Those interested in the degree must first apply for admission to the MSFE program.

About Financial Engineering

A Unique Degree Program

Several factors make the Financial Engineering Management program at Claremont Graduate University unique and highly desirable to both students and employers.

Our FE program has a dual focus on financial management and applied mathematics.

  • In the mathematics component, students develop the analytical skills and technical competencies needed to design and evaluate complex financial products. Technical excellence is emphasized as FE students take math courses with mathematics Ph.D. students.
  • In the finance component, students develop the managerial vision and leadership capabilities needed to understand and communicate the responsible strategic use of such products. Teamwork and leadership are emphasized as FE students take finance courses with MBA students.

This close integration of management and mathematics, the hallmark of our program, is not available at any other university. Scheduling is flexible, not lock-step. The degree can be pursued either part-time or full-time.

The highly-focused and rigorous program prepares graduates for careers in a broad range of specialties including:

  • Investment banking
  • Asset management
  • Corporate finance
  • Risk management
  • Consulting





ช็อคโกแลต, MV, MV (Live)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

T3 - MA in Politics/Economics/Business & MS in Advancd Management, The Drucker School, Claremont University

The Master of Arts in Politics, Economics and Business (“MAPEB”) is a unique transdisciplinary degree program that provides a cutting-edge perspective on local and international concerns with particular relevance to public sector and nonprofit management.

At Claremont, we are in the enviable position of being able to draw from the best of management, politics and economics to offer a unique and valuable degree program. The MAPEB is developed around the synergy between the Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management and the School of Politics and Economics. This collaboration enables our students to successfully engage in multi-disciplinary study related to public sector and nonprofit management. While other universities focus on each of these disciplines in isolation, at CGU, we have found that understanding the interrelations between fields is crucial to professional success and future opportunities.

In this innovative degree program, students gain a blend of analytical skill, practical experience and technical training useful in many environments. Politics responds to and shapes the environment in which all businesses operate and provides useful information about the processes and impacts of decisions. Knowledge of the fundamentals of economics and management provides the student with a comparative advantage when competing for key employment opportunities in the private, nonprofit, public, and research environments. The analytical tools we provide in economics and statistics are increasingly fundamental to success in a variety of positions in business, government and non-profit organizations.

Business and government relations are becoming more complex at both the local and the global level. The greater Los Angeles area provides abundant community-centered opportunities as well as access to the Pacific Rim and Latin America, allowing for both local and international applications of the concepts explored in the unique learning environment that is Claremont. Opportunities for practical application can be developed through a variety of interesting internships and research projects.

The Master of Science in Advanced Management (MSAM) is an innovative degree program that is designed for students who already have completed an MBA and are seeking additional study in a custom-designed advanced management degree program. It is ideal for students who wish to develop a competitive advantage in a focused area of management, such as strategy, leadership, marketing, or finance, and for senior-level executives who received their MBAs early in their careers, but desire additional education to match their changing responsibilities.

In the MSAM program you will work with an advisor to design a program of study that ventures beyond theory—spirited interaction with faculty and peers is a key aspect of the educational process, with benefits for both participants and their organizations. Students generally will take courses offered in our management program, however those with significant management or professional work experience may be eligible to participate in classes offered by our executive program.

Because an MBA degree is a required prerequisite for admission to the program, there is a high level of flexibility to the degree requirements. As a Master of Science degree, the program has a significant research component and will include at least 12 units of research methods courses that can be taken in areas that are directly relevant to your advanced management objectives. In addition, you will complete 20 units of coursework in your chosen area of concentration. As part of the MSAM program you will be able to participate in management seminar courses along with Ph.D. students in management. In the event that you are interested in seeking a Ph.D. from the Drucker School, you can apply for admission to that program as you approach completion of the MSAM, and your coursework in the MSAM will count towards the unit requirement of the Ph.D. However, keep in mind that the Drucker Ph.D. program is small by design and that few students are admitted and then only after a careful assessment of fit with the research orientations of our faculty and our assessment of the student’s potential to be successful in our Ph.D. program.

If you are a senior-level manager looking for personal and professional growth, stimulating interaction, and valuable insights on leadership and strategy, or if you are earlier in your career and are seeking a focused degree that can enable you to move ahead professionally or as an entrée to a Ph.D. program, you should consider this degree program. Also, if you are an international student who already holds an MBA, and you are looking for the opportunity to study in the U.S., this program is a great opportunity to gain additional leadership and strategic skills at a school that prides itself on its innovative approach to both subjects. The MSAM can be completed on two semesters of full-time coursework or over a longer period on a part-time/fully-employed basis


สัญญาทราย - Golf Mike

จูบ - Black Vanilla

นอกใจ - Black Vanilla

MV ลืมเธอไม่เก่ง - Black Vanilla

MV ท่องจำเอาไว้ - Voice Army AF4

ร้องไห้ง่ายๆฯ - Da Endorphine feat. Pup Potato

ขอแค่เข้าใจ (Ost. สตรีที่โลกลืม)
- มณีมุกดา

เจ็บก็ยอม (Ost. สตรีที่โลกลืม) - Oil Thana

คนใจร้อน - Pek Premnat

MV คิดถึงเธอทุกทีฯ (Ost. Body ศพ 19) - Pat

MV Chocolate - Hangman

คนที่อยู่ตรงหน้า - Tol AF4 Rock Army

เนื้อคู่ - Music AF4 Rock Army

Don't say goodbye - Lookpong AF4 Voice Army

- Nat Pop Army AF4

ยังไม่รู้ตัว , MV - Spice Army AF4

MV อย่าไว้ใจ - K-OTIC

MV คำง่ายๆ I miss you - Champ --> ดูเต้ย ^0^

Tomorrow (Ost. Over the Rainbow)
- Aof Pongsak

รักแท้แพ้ไม่รัก - Storm

เสียเวลาว่ะ - Bowling

ฉันจะยืนข้างเธอ - ขนมจีน

MV จุ๊บๆ - Neko Jump

Look Good Girl - Jim & Shin

MV - ชู่ว์ - หยาด

We Do this - Thaitanium

MV Girlfriend - Maxx

Chatsanova, MV - Chilli White Choc

MV - Oh My Boy!
- Tong

Girlfriend - Maxx

Koi Nanja Nai - Ice Saranyu

Shampoo - Black Vanilla

O Do Rou Yo - Ice Saranyu

Come Along Way - Thaitanium

Go - Knes

Hey Lover - Thaitanium

MV Chocolate (Live) - Hangman

Oh My Boy! - Tong

Sayonara Junjo -Golf Mike