
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Guideline on Business School Admission Essay

I came across this article from and find it interesting.

Business School Essay

If you’ve already got a college degree, and you’re thinking of getting your Master’s of Business Administration, then you need to be prepared for the most common essay questions that applicants to MBA programs face. While there’s no guarantee that the school you’re applying to will ask you to write an essay on any of the questions below, the odds are very high that they’ll ask at least one of them. Some will ask you to write more than one essay. Here are the most common essay types, and some tips on how to write a good essay to enhance your chances of getting into business school.The most common essay question for prospective MBA students is Why Do You Want To Get An MBA Degree From Our University? Everyone has their own reason for wanting to earn an MBA, and for a lot of people it boils down to the fact that having an MBA will enable them to earn a lot more money over the course of their career. And while there’s nothing wrong with that motivation, that isn’t what admissions committees want to hear. And the question usually won’t be that short and sweet, although it will essentially boil down to your reasons for wanting an MBA. Usually you’ll be asked to describe some past accomplishments, and what your goals are for the future, and how you envision an MBA helping you to accomplish those goals. They want to know where you’ve been, where you’re at, and where you’re headed. You really need to have this thought out before beginning the essay, because this question is often the make or break one for admissions committees. If you write in vague generalities, and seem to have no clear goals in mind for wanting to pursue an MBA, you run the risk of them not even finishing your entire essay, and winding up immediately in the rejected pile. So be clear, firm, and direct, and have one or two specific goals that you aspire to that you can write about with enthusiasm. Write briefly about a couple of your more significant achievements in the past, then move on to what motivated you to pursue an MBA degree, and then describe what you hope to achieve once you’ve graduated with your MBA. And don’t swing for the fences on that part-you’ll want one, or at most two, specific career goals to write about. You’ll also want to make it clear that your somewhat familiar with the school’s program, and that you’re knowledgeable about some of the faculty and a few of their more distinguished graduates, without coming across as obsequious-just let them know that you have some awareness of their school and its program. Break it down like that, and it’s a lot simpler. The main thing is to demonstrate that you’ve done some important things in the past, and you have important, specific plans for the future. Do that, and be direct and avoid vagueness and generalities, and you’ll have an edge on a lot of your competition.Another common business school essay question is How Will You Contribute To And Diversify Our School? Again, that’s the short and sweet version-what you’re likely to see will be much longer and broken down into two or more sections. But that’s the gist of it. This may sound somewhat similar to the previous question, but it’s not the same thing. That question was more outward oriented, wanting to know about your experiences and goals. This one is inner directed. It’s asking who you are, what makes you tick, what things are important to you and fill you with passion. Everyone in the universe is unique. In what ways are you different from everyone else? What sets you apart from the crowd? What drives you? What excites you? What qualities do you have that will enhance the business school experience for everyone involved? This can be a bit tougher to answer than the previous question. Some people are good at introspection, but many of us are not. They say the unexamined life is not worth living, but many people would disagree. What is certain is that the unexamined life is going to be a hindrance to your earning an MBA if this question comes up. So take a good long look at yourself. Ask yourself what you consider important, what you care about. Often we need an objective observer to help us with this. Talk to your friends and family. Ask them how they would describe you to a stranger. Ask them what kind of person they consider you to be. A leader? A thinker? A doer? A team player? An individualist? Take what they give you and work with that. Of course, you may not need to get anyone’s opinion. If you know exactly who you are, then put it into words. If you’re radically committed to social justice, write about it. If your libertarian heart beats for even increasing liberty for all, then put it into words. But don’t try to fake it. Insincerity on this question is tough to pull off, and will probably be seen right through. Know who you are, and share it with the admissions committee.Another common essay on business school applications is What Are Some Of Your Accomplishments? You’ll want to have at least two, and possibly three, to write about. Give this some thought, because this is an area where you can really set yourself apart from the run of the mill applicant. And the things you write about don’t have to be earth shattering. What’s important is that you chose something significant to yourself and saw it through from beginning to end. Did you organize and complete a voter registration drive? Did you prevail upon local authorities to improve the city park system? Did you take your company department or division from the cellar to first place in your region in a couple years? Have you had any articles published, even in small publications? Whatever you’ve done that you’re proudest of, write about that. You don’t want to boast, but don’t be self effacing either. Just state what you did in a matter of fact tone. If you won first prize in a state or national competition, say it; you certainly don’t want to hide it, but just don’t dwell on it. They’re asking for this information, so this is no time for modesty. And if you’ve had to overcome significant adversity to get where you are today, be sure to include that. You’re not asking for a pity party, but if you completed college in four years while being confined to a wheelchair, that’s quite an accomplishment in and of itself, and the committee will want to know about it. So be yourself, and be honest, but don’t be embarrassed to make your best case and let them know that you’ve done something with your life. This is what they’re looking for. An applicant who’s been able to accomplish things is likely to continue to build on their accomplishments after graduation, and that’s the kind of student they’re looking for.Another question you’ll be asked on a lot of business school application essays is How Have You Demonstrated Leadership In The Past? Typically, you’ll be asked to give two or three examples of when you took a leadership role in your life. These can be small things or large; what’s important is that you demonstrated some initiative in taking charge and leading people in a common task. Have you headed up any political campaigns? Have you run for or held student government positions? Have you organized a litter clean up effort in your neighborhood? Have you suggested projects at your company and then led a team effort to fulfill the project? All of these are leadership efforts, and you should be able to think of many times in your life when you’ve done something similar. If you have trouble answering this one because you don’t think of yourself as the leader type, then you should stop and give serious consideration as to whether you’re really cut out for business school. Business schools graduates usually wind up in management, and you can’t manage people if you can’t lead them. Leadership is an important quality for MBA holders or seekers, so give this question some serious thought. You’ll want to come up with your best leadership efforts in the past to write about. Another topic you may be asked to address when applying to business school is A Time I Failed And How I Learned From It. If you’re like most people, you have some embarrassing events in your past where you just didn’t perform, get the job done, or live up to your promises. On this essay, you’ll pick one and write about it, and the lessons you’ve learned from it. It’s best to pick something fairly recent, as writing about not finishing your 8th grade science project will make it look as if you’re saying you haven’t failed since then, and since you’re human, that’s not possible. Another thing to keep in mind-refrain from writing about personal or moral failings. That’s not the sort of thing they’re looking for with this question, and writing about something like that would not only quite possibly shock the readers, but it would also reveal a serious lack of propriety and discretion. But we’re all human, and so we all have plenty of instances we can write about without revealing embarrassing personal information about ourselves or others. And don’t beat up on yourself; just as in the essay about accomplishments, this essay should be written in a matter of fact tone. This will reveal that you’re aware of your shortcomings and can face them honestly, as well as learn from them.Another common essay question on business school applications is Who Is Your Role Model/Who Has Greatly Influenced You? By seeing whom you respect and try to emulate, the university will get a better picture of what kind of person you are, and what kind of student you’ll be. Generally, this shouldn’t be someone famous, but someone you actually know. If you do happen to know someone who’s famous, and they’ve been a big influence on you, or they’re your role model, it may be alright to write about them. The trick will be to pull this off without sounding like you’re namedropping. If you don’t think you can manage that, then it would be best to write about someone else. It could be a teacher, a parent or other relative, someone you’ve worked for, someone you know who‘s devoted their life to a worthy cause. But it should be about a person you actually know well. The only exception to this would be if your life has been profoundly changed by reading a book by or about somebody-in that case, you may write about that person, but it has to be authentic. Your first choice should always be someone whom you’ve personally interacted with. In the essay, talk about the person and your relationship with them. Then describe some of the character qualities that you respect about them, and that made them your role model or influence, and give some examples of how they live out these qualities in their everyday life. You shouldn’t grovel or fawn, but simply communicate your profound respect for this person and what they’ve done to earn it.The Moral Quandary is another topic you may be asked to write about when applying to business school. For this type, you’ll be asked to describe a particularly difficult situation you’ve faced which was impossible to resolve without hurting someone’s interests, or violating a moral code. In other words, a situation for which there was no good resolution, and which couldn’t be sidestepped, and you had to make one of two difficult choices. It’s a bit more complicated than just having to solve a difficult problem, or having to choose between “the lesser of two evils.” What you’ll want to communicate here is that you’re able to understand that life isn’t perfect, and that sometimes a person has to do something they’d rather not do, but which has to be done. Furthermore, you’ll want to illustrate that you looked at the problem from all sides, and considered the impact that both decisions would have on all parties involved. You’ll then describe the decision you made, and write about your reasons for doing so. The Moral Quandary essay is a bit more difficult one than most of the others, and you should really give this some thought before writing it. One thing that really needs to come through in your essay is a sensitivity to the needs and desires of others.The last essay type you’re likely to run across is the This Is Your Life sort of exercise. Far more personal than the other essay types, this one may ask you how you’ve grown as a person since you graduated from high school, or what major life goals you’ve chosen for yourself. You may be asked to describe your family life growing up and talk about how that experience helped shape you into the person you are today. Or you may be asked to write from the perspective of the end of your career, and asked to look back and talk about what your proudest achievements are, what you would have done differently, and what you’ve learned about what’s really important in life. All of these questions are just roundabout ways of asking what kind of person you are-what are your values, how you view yourself and others, and where you see yourself going in life. Everyone has changed in many different ways between high school and business school; for this question, you’ll want to stress a couple major changes in yourself and what precipitated them, and how your life is different as a result. If asked about your family, be honest, but not disparaging or fawning. If you grew up in a chaotic or broken home, talk about it, and how going through that experience made you more independent and resilient. Again, this type of essay is a chance for you to reveal a bit more about yourself than it’s possible to do on the other types. You don’t want to give too much information, or try to make people feel sorry for you or give the impression that you have an extremely high opinion of yourself, but you do want to do a bit of self revelation. Don’t be abrupt, and make it clear that you’ve given these matters a lot of thought.


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Monday, November 27, 2006

The Benefits of an MBA Education

The information below was retrieved from that I think it will surely benefit you in the same way as an MBA does.

An MBA is a professional degree. It will help accelerate your business career and create many opportunities for career switches into highly-sought-after positions in consulting, investment banking, and venture capital.

In two years, you will become well versed in such areas as finance, management, marketing, and strategy. You will also learn a whole new way to analyze business issues and be exposed to powerful techniques to help sell yourself to your full potential.

If the economy is not showing signs of accelerating anytime soon, then these two years (assuming you attend a traditional two-year, full-time program) sharpening your job skills, improving your résumé, and expanding your network look even more attractive.

In addition to giving you additional career flexibility and helping you switch occupations, a degree from a top program will increase your earnings potential by over 150%. It's pretty tough to do that by staying put for 2 more years!

Career Choices
In the short term, an education from a top program can help you gain valuable work experience with employers such as a consulting firm, investment bank, or venture capital group. You will also have opportunities to work for a more "stable" Fortune 500 company in business planning, investor relations, or corporate development.

In the long term, these valuable experiences can position you for a senior-level management position. What is not always widely known about a business school education is that it can also help you in more non conventional ways. By sharpening your analytical skills, you will be better suited to excel in the government and non profit sectors, although admittedly a public policy degree will prepare you equally as well.

Program Choices: Full Time, Part Time, or Executive
Each of these program choices has benefits and drawbacks. Going full time will allow you to concentrate more fully on class work. It will also make a summer internship (which can be critical in executing a career switch) crucial.

Part time programs can be less intensive depending on the workload from your employer. The income can also make the experience less financially stressful, with many employers covering the tuition costs.

The executive program is best suited for applicants with more senior level work experience. The classes are taught at the "50,000 foot view" instead of the "10,000 foot view" used in the other programs.


Song from Asian Series/Movies




Chinese Series Songs

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Tips on Getting into an Engineering School

Another article on tips on getting into an engineering school I retrieved from but the original is from US News & World Report.

SCORE WELL Undergraduate grades and GRE scores are the only objective ways that applicants from different schools can be compared, so scoring well is key. The bar for graduate admissions, though, is higher than for undergrad, and showing steady improvement won't always cut it. If your grades are not at the top of the class, getting an outstanding letter of recommendation from a professor who knows you and your work well may be a saving grace.
RESEARCH HELPS Most undergraduates have had some research experience, which is a good thing. Graduate programs value such experience highly. If you somehow managed to get your B.S. without spending time in a lab, doing some engineering-related work between undergraduate study and grad school can help, admissions officers say.

DO A LITTLE HOMEWORK Do some research about the people with whom you'd like to do research. Graduate students spend a good deal of time with individual faculty members. Check out what other students are researching and which professors they are working with. Visit the campus, and take a stroll around the laboratories. A few hours on campus can tell you more about the place than days spent reading glossy admissions brochures.

RANKINGS AREN'T EVERYTHING If you already have a particular field in mind, look at schools that have a strong track record of placing graduates in jobs in that area. Don't let a school's overall ranking discourage you from applying if one of its individual programs is particularly strong.


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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Law School: Tips on Getting In

HIT THE NUMBERS Two figures play a pivotal role in law school admissions: grade-point averages and LSAT scores. Top schools look for a high number on both. Fifty percent of students in the class that entered Harvard Law last fall boasted GPAs between 3.68 and 3.92 and LSAT scores between 170 and 176. There are ways to offset unspectacular stats. Law schools will look at the diversity of your coursework and also see if you have taken challenging classes. So choose a schedule that requires you to think analytically and to write a lot. Consider boosting your LSAT score by studying the format of the test or taking a prep course.

SHOW WORK EXPERIENCE Despite their importance, GPA and LSAT scores are only part of getting into law school. Beyond the numbers, admissions officers say they are looking for candidates who bring a diverse set of experiences and perspectives to classroom discussions, especially through having worked. At Northwestern law school, for example, 74 percent of admitted students were at least two or more years out of undergraduate studies. Only 6 percent were admitted straight from college. A couple of years in the real world may also give you something extra when it comes to writing that all-important personal statement: An applicant interested in public-interest law might talk about time spent in the Peace Corps, while one with an eye on corporate practice could tout the year working at an investment bank.

CHOOSE YOUR PATH Knowing what you want to do after law school can also help you target the right schools. A state school may see more representatives from local law firms than from national ones and may be a better placement for someone who wants to stay in a particular locale. Be aware that many top-tier corporate law firms recruit from certain schools, and plan accordingly. A call to the career center office may be beneficial; ask where students end up working after graduation.

information provided by US News & World Report

ต่อ ธนัย - เธอไม่เคยรู้

ต่าย ชุติมา - ฤดูรัก

ต้า Mr. Team - กลัว

ตั้ม สมประสงค์ - เฉลยตอนจบ

เต๊ะ ศตวรรษ (Tae Sattawat) - Guardian Angel

เต๋า สมชาย เข็มขัด - โลกทั้งใบให้นายคนเดียว

ตุ้ย AF3 - อกหักไม่ว่า, หยาดเพชร, ตะเกียงกับตะวัน, ให้ใครมารักหน่อย, ให้ใครมารักหน่อย MV

ตูน AF3 - มือใหม่

โต๋ ศักดิ์สิทธิ์ - รักเธอ, รักเธอ (MV), อะไรก็ได้, ไม่มีวันอยู่แล้ว

ทริพเปิล เฟลเวอร์ Triple Flavor - You ve got mail

ทรีดิฟ (3Diff) – จะเลิกกับเขาหรือยัง, จำหน้าฉันเอาไว้

ท็อฟฟี่ (Toffy) – อยากมีสิทธิ์ใช้คำว่ารัก
,เพื่อนรัก รักเพื่อน

ทาทา ยัง (Tata Young) feat. นภ พรชำนิ - เธอคือ (Shinning), Cinderella

ทูเดย์สอะโกคิดส์ (Two Days Ago Kids)– กลับมา

ทูพีซ (2 Piece)- You go your way (I'll go my way), เพียงรัก

แท็กซี่ (Taxi) - รักเธอคนเดียว,

แทตทู คัลเลอร์ (Tattoo Colour) - ฝากที, ฟ้า, อากาศร้อนๆ

ไทเทเนี่ยม (Thaitanium) – ทะลึ่ง(feat. นาร่า), Dream, I Know You Love Me, Just Holla, กวนตีน, โดน (Clean Version), ยักไหล่, Hey Girl, เอ๊ะ, สาว สาว

นภ พรชำนิ – คำพูดง่ายๆ, เพื่อเธอ

น็อตโตะ (Notto) - อย่าบอกว่ารัก

นารา เกมม่า แคล (Nara Gemma Kal Triple Flavor) - ร้ายจริงๆ, ความคิดไม่มีเสียง

นาวิน ต้าร์ Navin Tar - รักคำเดียว

นูโว (Nuvo) - หลอกกันเล่นเลย

นัท มีเรีย – รักไม่ช่วยอะไร,ตัดใจไม่ได้

นิโคล เทริโอ Nicole Theriault - รักไม่ยอมเปลี่ยนแปลง, ยิ้มให้กับความผิดหวัง

นิว & จิ๋ว - เธอมาจากไหน (Ost. พริกหวานน้ำตาลเผ็ด)

นีโอ เอ๊กซ์ – มีเจ้าของทั้งสองคน

เนโกะ จั้มพ์ (Neko Jump) - ปู

โนโลโก้ (Nologo) - ยินดี ฝันดี,

เนม ปราการ – Princo, คนลืมยาก (Delete?)

แหนม รณเดช - หน้าไม่อาย

ไนซ์ ทู มีท ยู (Nice 2 meet u) - ใจเกเร, Love การันตี

บลิซโซนิค (Blissonic) - เจ้าหญิงคนต่อไป

บลูเบิร์ด (Bluebird) - Learn to Fly

บอดี้สแลม (Bodyslam) – ความเชื่อ, ย้ำ (Live)

บอย พิษณุ – จักรวาลแห่งรัก, ไปนอนกันมั้ย, อยากบอกเธอเหลือเกิน, ออกมาเต้น

บอย Peacemaker - ข้ออ้าง, อยู่อย่างเหงาเหงา

บอยด์ (Boyd) – ที่ฉันรู้, เหตุผลที่คนควรอยู่ด้วยกัน, เติมเต็มรัก ฤดูที่แตกต่าง ฉันดีใจที่มีเธอ

บอย ตรัย ภูมิรัตน - ผูกพัน เพื่อนของเราชื่อความเหงา

บอล วิทวัส - ไม่รู้ใจตัวเอง

บัณฑิต แซ่โง้ว - ครึ่งหนึ่ง

บัวชมพู ฟอร์ด (Buachompoo Ford) – ทุกเที่ยงคืน, เธอทำให้ฉันอยู่ในเสียงเพลง, วงกลม, แสงที่ปลายอุโมงค์, สัมผัส , นิยามรัก,

บางแก้ว - คนมันหึง

บาสเก็ตแบนด์ (Basket Band) – คำตอบ, เผื่อเธอจะรู้สึก, เพ้อ

บิ๊ก & เดอะ ซุปเปอร์แบนด์ (Big & The Superband) – คำเชยๆ

บิ๊กแอส (Big Ass) feat. บอดี้สแลม – เรา , ปลุกใจเสือป่า, ข้าน้อยสมควรตาย
, พรหมลิขิต คนหลงทาง สัตว์โลกย่อมเป็นไปตามกรรม, สิ่งกีดขวาง (Acoustic Version)

บี crescendo - Aroma

บี้ The Star 3 - อดห่วงไม่ไหว ,รหัสรัก, โทรมาว่ารัก, หลอกว่ารัก, ฝันไปหรือเปล่า, โทรมาว่ารัก MV

บีม จารุวรรณ - สุดท้ายก็เพื่อนกัน

บุดดาห์ เบลส (Buddhe Bless) – ชิงหมาเกิด, ลำยอง, Fire

บูโดกัน – คิดถึงที่สุด, ที่ 1 ของใจ, ไม่อยากทำให้ลำบากใจ, ต่างคนต่างเหงา

เบเบ้ Buzz Music – ใจลอยๆ, เหงาๆ,
สอนคำว่ารัก, สอนคำว่ารัก MV

เบรคฟาสท์ อิน เบด (Breakfast in Bed) – เพิ่งรู้ว่ารัก

เบิร์ด ธงไชย - เถียงกันทำไม, ก็ดี, น้านา, ฉันทนาที่รัก, อมพระมาพูด, That's the way

เบิร์ด กะ ฮาร์ท (Byrd & Heart) - ฝน

เบิร์ดส์ อาย วิว (Bird's eye view) - ภาพติดตา

แบงค์ ปวริศร์ - รักง่ายหน่ายเร็ว

แบชเชอร์ (Basher) - เรื่องบังเอิญ, ให้ท่า

แบล็คเฮด (Black Head) – เพียงเธอ, ตัดใจ ตัดเธอ ด้วยรักและหวังดี

แบล็ควานิลา (Black Vanilla) - เธอน่ารำคาญ, มาก่อนไม่ช่วยเลย จีบฉันที แค่เจ้าชู้

โบ สุนิตา - ปล่อย, หนึ่งในไม่กี่คน รักแท้หรือแค่เหงา , ฝากตามเขาที

โบ สุรัตนาวี - จะมีบ้างไหม

โบกี้ ดอดจ์ (Bogie Dodge) – มือซ้ายที่ว่างเปล่า

ปนัดดา – คนเลวที่รักเธอ, ต้นไม้ไม่โตในวันเดียว, ฝนแปดแดดสี่, ภูเขาน้ำแข็ง, หน้าหนาวหน้าเหงา อกหักปากแข็ง, มีค่าเวลาเธอเหงา

ปราโมทย์ ปาทาน - คำสาป (Ost. A millionaire's first love)

ปราโมทย์ วิเลปะนะ - ให้รักบังเกิด, ถ้ายังรักกัน

ปั๊บ Potato - แพ้กลางคืน, ชีวิตที่ขาดเธอ (Ost. Princess Hours)

ป้าง นครินทร์ กิ่งศักดิ์ - กระดกลิ้น

ปาน ธนพร - รักกว่าหัวใจ (Ost. ผีเสื้อสมุทร), หวง, ฟอร์มจัด, เจ้าชายมีจริง

ปาล์มมี่ (Palmy) – ร้องไห้ง่ายๆกับเรื่องเดิมๆ , Ooh!, ปล่อย

เป๊ก ผลิตโชค - Just Say Good Night, ใจหนึ่งก็รัก อีกใจก็เจ็บ, นิทานหิ่งห้อย, ไม่มีใครรู้, รักคือรัก, หรือแค่ขำขำ, ติดใจ , ชู้ในใจ

โปเตโต้ (Potato) – ขอบคุณที่รักกัน, ขอบคุณที่รักกัน (Acoustic), ภาษากาย, รักแท้ดูแลไม่ได้, รักแท้ดูแลไม่ได้(ภาคภาษาจีน) , ที่เดิม, ปากดี, ลา ลา ลา, น้ำเย็น เพียงพอ คนกลาง, ฟังความข้างเดียว, เข้าทาง, นี่แหละความเสียใจ, นี่แหละความเสียใจ MV

ผึ้ง Buzz Music - Just Say Hi

ฝน นภัส - ไม่ใช่เรื่องนั้น

พาราด็อกซ์ (Paradox) - Sexy (Karaoke Version), , ใครสักคน

พาราน Paran - ให้รักพาไป

พาสเทล ซีเครท (Pastel secret) - ฝนหน้าหนาว (Winter Rain)

พัดชา - ก่อน, จงรัก/บุพเพสันนิวาส, ช้าไปไหมเธอ, ช้าไปไหมเธอ MV

พั้นช์ – เปลืองหัวใจ, ยิ่งกว่าเสียใจ , แปลว่ายังหายใจ,สาบานส่งๆ, ซ่อน

พิ้งค์ (Pink) – เริ่มจากร้อย

พีซเมคเกอร์ (Peacemaker) – ฉันมีค่าแค่ไหน, เรื่องบนเตียง (New Version), เรื่องบนเตียง (ภาคภาษาจีน), สุดท้าย, ช่างไม่รู้เลย
, กว่าจะบอกว่ารัก, ฉันพร้อม

พีทูวอร์ชิพ (P2Warship)- จอมยุทธ, รักน้องคนเดียว

พีโอพี (P.O.P.) – ที่แห่งนี้

เพชร AF3 - ยิ่งร้ายยิ่งรัก

เพรพพี จี (Preppy G) - Let's Go , รักไม่ได้รักไม่ได้ (MV)

เพลย์กราวนด์ (Playground) - Soulmate, เพลงรักเพลงแรก (Live) คำสาป, ยังรัก

เพาเวอร์พ็อบเกิร์ลส์ (Powerpop Girls) - เจ้าชายของฉัน, อยากบอกเธอ, อยากฟังคำนี้ของเธอ

แพนเค้ก (Pancake) – ก๋วยเตี๋ยวหน้าใสกับใจโทรมๆ, ใจเย็น,

แพลม (Plam) – ตาบอดสี, แพ้ก็ยอม, ยิ่งลืม ยิ่งจำ

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Why Law School?

The decision to become a lawyer is a highly personal one, based on a number of factors that you must weigh for yourself. It's not a step to be taken lightly.

Your Direction Having a law degree no longer automatically means having to be a lawyer. There's a wealth of opportunities for people with law degrees. The truth of the matter is that, despite all the jokes, a law degree will always be an attractive commodity in the job market.

Take a few minutes to jot down your personal reasons for wanting to go to law school. Rank them in order of importance so that you can maintain a sharper focus as you move along in the planning of your application itinerary.

Being able to articulate why you want to go to law school will not only help ensure your happiness as an attorney, but will also help you to gain admission. The top schools are looking for people who know why they want to go to law school and have focus and direction in their lives.

Good Reasons Versatility:
Law may be an option if you are not entirely sure of your career dream and feel more than half-certain that you'll change careers at some point in the future.

There are aspects of lawyering that can be a great deal of fun, such as preparing for a trial, defending a client, or putting together a business deal.

Many people pursue a law degree in order to be more effective or influential in their field.

Job Security:
The fundamental role that legal systems play in our increasingly global working world is striking. Your training and skills can allow you to stay employed and prepare you for a variety of situations.

Personal Experience:
Whatever your other reasons for wanting to obtain a law degree, don't lose sight of your personal investment in the process.

Bad Reasons "I have nothing better to do with my history, English, or poli-sci degree."
There are better career moves than spending three very hard years in grad school, going heavily into debt, and then emerging with a degree in a field in which you have very little interest.

"I'm good at arguing."
Oral argument is a very small part of law school life and for the vast majority of lawyers, it's a fairly small part of their practice. Additionally, a legal oral argument is quite different from the average debate with your housemate over who gets to choose what channel to watch.

"I'll be making six figures before I hit 30."
Most attorneys do make six-figure incomes, but don't be deceived; they earn every cent. 70-80 hour weeks, mounting pressure to bill more hours, and a lot of research work are usually part of the deal. Even if you decide you're willing to do the hard work, the opportunities to make the big bucks are not always there.

"My family wants me to be a lawyer."
That's a long time to fulfill someone else's expectations. If your parents are adamant about the idea, maybe they should go to law school themselves. Age is no limitation to the feasibility of practicing law.

The Bottom Line If you enjoy thinking, writing, solving problems, negotiating compromises, and advocating on behalf of people or causes, then law school will be a good fit for you. If you'd rather have someone else tell you how to solve a problem or how to think about a dilemma, then you might find that law is not your best option.

Think seriously about the "fit" - be honest with yourself as you contemplate your future career. Be certain that you have chosen the right destination before you begin planning your trip.


Today Songs

Upgrade U - Beyonce Knowles

You ve got mail - Nara-Gemma-Kal(Triple Flavor)

Fight for You(MV) - Golf-Mike

Candyman - Christina Aguilera

You - Lloyd

I wanna love you - Akon

Xiao Yao Tan (Ost.Chinese Paladin เซียนกระบี่พิชิตมาร)

21 Days - Silly Fools

Mice Love Big Rice - Twins

Butterfly - Crazy Town

Beautiful Liar - Beyonce feat. Shakira

Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne

Very Beauty - Berryz Koubou

Angel (Ost. Engine ซิ่งสุดใจเติมไฟฝัน)- Aerosmith

The One I Love - K.R.Y. Super Junior

I'm still loving you - Baby V.O.X.

Sunao na mama - Mika Nakashima

Coward - SS501

Don't Matter - Akon

What goes around comes around - Justin Timberlake

Love So Sweet - Arashi

Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue - Fahrenheit feat. Hebe

With Love - Hilary Duff

Rock Go - Super Junior

Choosy Lover - TVXQ

Just Like A Pill - Pink

Still - Champ

One Generation - Silly Fools

You Raise Me Up - Josh Groban

Truly Madly Deeply
- Cascada

Glamorous - Fergie (feat. Ludacris)

Love - Elva

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Admissions to Business School

Overview Business school admissions was fiercely competitive. Last year, an enormous number of students applied to a relatively stable number of first year spots; applicants had more impressive credentials; and students migrated toward e-business concentrations.

While dot-com fever struck recent college grads over the past years, many still consider an MBA criticial to business success. MBAs join dot-coms with invaluable knowledge of the business world, giving viability to the intense creativity spawned by the Internet. Companies often require execs to hold MBAs.

Below you will find further information on the top business schools of last year, competition among applicants, business school applications, financial aid, and student take on the MBA advantage.

The Schools Wharton, Harvard, Kellogg and Stanford are traditionally known as the top business schools in the country. The popularity of other schools, however, has increased due to the addition of ecommerce courses, geographical considerations and the sheer number of people who want to attend business school. Note the rise of lesser known schools in the Business Week top 25 Business Schools (listed from 1 to 25) shown below:
University of Pennsylvania (Wharton)
Northwestern (Kellogg)
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
Duke (Fuqua)
Cornell (Johnson)
Dartmouth (Tuck)
University of Virginia (Darden)
UCLA (Anderson)
NYU (Stern)
Carnegie Mellon
MIT (Sloan)
UC Berkeley (Haas)
Washington University (Olin)
University of Texas at Austin
UNC, Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler)
Indiana University (Kelley)
University of Maryland (Smith)
University of Wisconsin at Madison
IPurdue (Krannert)
USC (Marshall)

Admission Stats
In last year's admissions cycle, the acceptance rates of the top schools remained very low. Stanford was in the single digits, accepting only 7% of its applicants (7,047 students applied for 364 slots).**

The Ivies remained intensely competitive, with acceptance rates of 11% for Columbia and 13% for Wharton, Dartmouth and Harvard. Last year Dartmouth received 14 to 15 applications for every first-year spot. Wharton and Harvard had the greatest number of applicants--just over 8,400 for both schools.

Wharton, Dartmouth, Stern and Michigan had the largest "yield"--the number of accepted applicants who enrolled.

Kellogg, University of Chicago and Michigan had the largest full-time enrollments. (NYU's Stern school had the most overall enrollments, but over two-thirds enrolled in Stern's part-time program.)

Michigan had the largest first-year class among the public schools in the top 25.*
A dramatic 25% increase in applicants to Washington University in St. Louis demonstrates Wash U's tremendous popularity.**

E-Commerce Programs Although the most prestigious MBA programs remain some of the most competitive, more students considered lesser-known programs last year. Reasons varied from cost to location to competition, but an important trend was the e-business program reputation. Highly qualified candidates chose schools such as Vanderbilt (, Maryland and Carnegie Mellon over Harvard and Wharton because of the excellent reputation of their ecommerce programs. For instance, Vanterbilt jumped on the ecommerce bandwagon early and last year offered 19 ecommerce courses. Carnegie Mellon launched the first-ever M.S. program in ecommerce and was deluged with applications (over 3,000 for 36 slots).**

The top schools rushed to accommodate the demand for dot-com expertise. Wharton created a new ecommerce major and Stanford plans to spend a whopping $20 million for research in e-business. Most schools altered their curricula to include e-business in traditional finance, marketing and management courses.

Last year, the demand for e-business courses reeked havoc on business school campuses. Last fall, the University of Chicago had to post monitors at the door after 225 students tried to register for an e-business strategy class that only had room for 65. UC Berkeley had to call in the fire marshals for a similar stampede. At MIT, one third of MBA students enrolled in the new ecommerce track.**

Flexible Programs Business schools are becoming more flexible, understanding that irresistible opportunity might knock in the middle of an MBA program. Wharton, Harvard and Kellogg offer up to 5 years off (so you can go join a dot-com and finish your degree later). At Wharton, 25 of the 765 members of the class of 2000 did not return to finish their last year, and at Kellogg, 8 students out of 617 dropped out of the class of 2000.**** Last year, a larger number of accepted students than in years previous deferred admission, mostly taking advantage of opportunities in high-tech ventures. 20 out of the 189 students accepted into Dartmouth, class of 2001, deferred admission. Some students also switch from full time to part time status to fulfill their desire to become budding moguls.**

The Competition Last year, applicants were highly qualified, older and fiercely competitive. Even as some business schools saw declining numbers of applicants, the qualifications and credentials of accepted students magnified. Both average GPA and average GMAT* scores of applicants increased. The average GPA for the top schools hovered around 3.5, with UCLA on the high side (3.6) and Stern on the low side (3.4). The average GPA of first year MBAs at Harvard last year was 3.5.* The average GMAT* scores among US citizens rose more than five points last year, and twenty points since 1995. (See more on GMAT scores below).
The average first year business student is older than medical and law school students. The average age of the entering class at the top business schools is 27 years old, as first-years worked an average of four to five years before attending business school.* (Note that the average is slightly misleading because it consists of many 26 year olds and significantly fewer 30-, 40- and 50-year olds who skew the average upward.)

An influx of international students in American MBA programs and the increasing popularity of an MBA among Americans combined to dramatically increase the number of business school applicants throughout the 90s, although last year,numbers fell slightly. An American MBA is one of the most respected degrees in the international business world. International students accounted for more than 40% of all GMAT test-takers last year, demonstrating the trend toward more diverse, international student bodies.

As has been typical, more men than women applied to business school, with approximately 18,000 more men than women taking the GMAT* last year.*

The Application An increasing number of schools last year offered online applications, making the process more efficient and convenient for schools and applicants. MIT required you to apply online--no paper accepted.

The GMAT* Although official numbers have yet to come in, data suggests that the number of GMAT* test-takers last year increased for the first time since the 1995-1996 admissions cycle. 98% of GMAT* test-takers last year were 22 or older, and more than half of test-takers last year were over 26.

GMAT* scores have increased steadily throughout the nineties and scores at the top business schools are up significantly from 1996. How competitive are the top schools? Although, just 2 percent of all GMAT* test-takers scored a 725 on the GMAT*, that score was the 1999 average for the incoming class at Stanford Business School!*** A sample of average GMAT* scores from top business schools*:

School GMAT* Score
Schools Score
Stanford 725
Columbia 725
MIT 700
Wharton 691
Chicago 690
Harvard 690

One important piece of advice from GMAT* takers last year: remember to figure out the admissions calendar far in advance. It is easy with the computer adaptive test to put it off until it is too late to retake the exam if you do not like the score. Plan ahead! For information on registering for the GMAT*, go to: GMAT* Online .

Paying For School Business school was extremely expensive. Tuition for the top schools hung just under $30,000 per year. The Stern tuition bill topped the others last year--the school charged $29,800 for tuition. The cost of tuition at Columbia, Duke, MIT, Wharton, Chicago and Kellogg is only a hundred dollars or so less. (Do not forget to budget for room and board and personal expenses. MIT, for instance, recommends an annual budget of approximately $50,700!*)

FINANCIAL AID Last year, two thirds of MBA students required loans. Students often took out loans averaging as much as $50,000 in total.* Aid does exist. GMAC, the company that administers the GMAT, sponsors "MBA Loans". It is also important to keep up to speed on the changing federal and state regulations that affect financial aid. New tax creditsinclude the Lifetime Learning Credit which applies to tuition and fees for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education coursework.

As the demand for MBAs increases, employers have expanded their tuition reimbursement programs. Since most MBA candidates have had a few years of work experience, it is easier to research such corporate programs.

There are billions of dollars available to support graduate study. Last year, MBA students found an incredible amount of financial assistance in a variety of places. The challenge is to identify those opportunities. Selection criteria varies for fellowships and grants-- some based on financial need, grades, test scores and/or personal characteristics. The best way to find new and old financial aid opportunities is research, research, research!

The MBA Advantage Everyone and their brother are joining dot-coms. What is an MBA worth anyway?

First of all, SALARY. We have seen dot-com mania slow down and salaries slowly drift back to earth, leaving MBAs with the big bucks. It is a hot job market, and employers fall over themselves to hire top MBAs. At UVA, 80% of students returning for their second year already had job offers. Companies increasingly offer "exploding" bonuses that are only open for a certain time--sign with us now or lose a huge bonus.** Last year, the graduating class at Stanford had a median base salary of $87,500. When you add in bonuses, starting salaries can jump an additional 40-50%. At Wharton, median total compensation for MBAs last year totaled $159,000.* These salary figures increased significantly over the past three years. A sampling of median starting salaries at some of the top schools*:

School Salary
Harvard $90,000
Stanford $87,500
Columbia $89,000
MIT $85,000
Kellog $82,000
Wharton $80,000

Where did Harvard MBAs go last year?****
Industry Percentage
Consulting 29%
High Tech 18%
banking & management 16%
Venture Capital 12%
Other financial services 2%
Health care/biotech 4%
Consumer products 3%
Entertainment/media 2%
Nonprofit 2%
Real estate 1%
Other 11%

Advice From MBAs "When applying, applicants need to "have a story" on why they need to go to a particular school. Schools aren't looking for a well-rounded person, but rather a well-rounded class. Applicants with unique experience (i.e. starting an Internet company in Poland) are more valued than those with a traditional backgrounds (i.e. banking, consulting, marketing, etc.) In the end, the "story" needs to make sense."
Becca Columbia MBA Class of 98

"The biggest challenge facing start-up dot-coms is neither finding a good idea nor raising money to fund it. It's developing a management team that is long on skill, experience and leadership. What makes the business work on a day to day basis are all the soft skills. So among writing business plans and theorizing on the nature of eCommerce, take time to learn and practice your management and leadership."
Tim Wharton MBA Class of 97 President,

"Business school was an enormous gift that exceeded my expectations. I was able to meet people from all over the world and to build a great professional network. I feel so fortunate that I went into it with enough experience to really focus on my industry and my function and I'm a better manager and problem solver as a result. My advice to others is to make a point of enjoying your experience and of learning from your professors and your classmates. It's a once in a lifetime opporuntity."
Cathleen Harvard MBA, Class of 98 President, fashion industry start up

Sources: *Business Week **US News & World Report ***Graduate School Admissions Council ****Kaplan/Newsweek How to Use the Internet to Choose of Change Careers
Summing Up That's it for this year's B-School Admissions Report. For more guidance, remember, Kaplan also offers admissions services to help you get into the business school of your choice.
Live GMAT* Course Online GMAT* Course Business School Admissions Consulting Business School Books and Software


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MBA Skills-What Do You Need to Succeed?

What skills does an MBA student need? While students entering business school have tremendously different sets of skills, all students need at least a minimal amount of proficiency in certain areas. Without these abilities, you'll have a hard time adjusting to the b-school world. So what are they?

Quantitative Skills It has been said that mathematics is "the language of business." But many MBA programs are moving away from the heavily analytical approaches that predominated several years ago and are giving increased emphasis to the "soft" areas of communication and interpersonal skills. That said, the quantitative elements of business studies have not gone away.

The actual level of mathematical knowledge that you'll need varies widely from program to program. Some schools expect you to have studied statistics before entering the program. Some will expect you to use calculus on a regular basis. Generally speaking, you should certainly feel comfortable with college algebra and brush up your quantitative skills if they're rusty.

It's a tech world out there In an ongoing effort to adapt to technological change, almost all business schools have integrated personal computers into their programs. Many schools will require you to have your own laptop. The extent to which you'll be expected to use a computer will vary from program to program, but you should make an effort to have at least a minimum comfort level with word processing, spreadsheets, and databases before starting school. You may want to check with the schools you're interested in to find out the hardware and software specifications.

Are you a team player? One of the ways schools are mimicking the business environment in their academic programs is in the use of student teams. As corporations have increasingly turned to teams to work on projects and to solve problems, MBA programs have converted an increased share of course work from individual work to team work. Many programs now incorporate training in teambuilding somewhere in the program - either as part of new student orientation, in team building workshops, or as a topic in organizational behavior courses.

Teams may be formed for the purpose of one project in one course or they may remain together for months, working on multiple courses. In the often competitive environment of MBA programs, the cooperation required of teams doesn't always come naturally. Since teamwork is almost always time consuming, students in schools that use teams may find that activities and even policies on work during the academic year reflect the heavy time commitment of working with others.

MBA Basics The fundamentals of business are taught in every MBA program. Accounting, economics, finance, organizational behavior, marketing, statistics, and operations form the primary business disciplines and skills and are in the expected repertoire for any MBA. How and when students cover the basic skills varies, however. In most programs these subjects will be taught in a group of core courses required of every student. These core courses consume most or all of the first year of study in a two-year full-time program. In some programs, students who have a prior background in business can be exempted or waived from some or all of the core courses, on the basis of either a special examination or an evaluation of the undergraduate transcript.

Some programs regard a few areas as background knowledge and expect you to have learned the material before you start your graduate program. Statistics, economics, and accounting often fall in this group. When you're comparing the length of programs and calculating time to degree, be sure you remember to consider any program prerequisites. (Calculus and computer skills are also common prerequisites for MBA programs.)

Other programs take another approach, offering the core courses within the structure of the program but requiring this course work only of those students who have not mastered it previously. If your program has two tiers, with different entrance points-for students with undergraduate degrees in business and those with degrees in nonbusiness areas-you may be exempted from some or all of the first year of the program if you were an undergrad business major.


ฟลัวร์ (Flure) - ใครบางคนจากบนฟ้า

ฟรีเพลย์ (Freeplay) - ใจไม่รักดี , แฟนเทวดา , แฟนเทวดา(MV)

ฟ๊อกกี้ กู๊ฟ (Fogy Groove) - คืนเหงา, ลืมไม่ลง

ฟอร์ก๊อทเท่น (4Gotten) - And I Know, สัญญา, อยากรู้

ฟาเรนไฮต์ (Fahrenheit) - เงียบทำไม? (Acoustic), เจ้าหญิง (Acoustic), น้ำตาคือคำตอบ, ไม่ยากหรอก (Power Groove), เสียใจได้ยินไหม (Dark), ละล้าละลัง, อย่าหักหลัง

ฟิล์ม รัฐภูมิ (Film) - ขอร้อง, คือฉันรักเธอ, ที่เดิม (Ost. รักจัง), ยากูซ่า

ฟิฟ (FiF) - จะบอกรักเธอทุกวัน , เจ้าชู้รึเปล่า

เฟรชเช่น (Freshen) - แผ่วปลาย

เฟย์ ฟาง แก้ว FFK - MSN , นะครับ นะคร้าบ, MSN (MV), ยังเป็นดอกไม้ของเธอหรือเปล่า

โฟร์ มด - Love Love, บีบน้ำตา, เปลี่ยนกันไหม, เด็กวุ่นวาย, ขัดใจ(MV), ขัดใจ, เด็กมีปัญหา, เด็กมีปัญหา MV , ไม่เจ็บไม่ถาม, ตู้มมม, ผู้ชายใจเย็น, ไม่เจ็บไม่ถาม (MV), ไม่เจ็บไม่ถาม (MV)

มด กัลยา - รักไม่ได้ทำให้คนตาบอด

ม็อคคา (Mocca) - I would never..(feat. Karolina Komstedt)

มอร์นิ่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ (Morningsurfers) - หยุดมันเอาไว้

มอส (Mos) - คืนนั้น(ฉันไม่เชื่อว่าเราไม่ได้รักกัน), เธอคือส่วนที่ขาด, รู้แล้วต้องกอดใคร, อากาศไม่พอ

มะลิ - ดูแต่ตา

มัม ลาโคนิค - ความลับ, อ่อนล้า

มาช่า (Masha) - In Love, Music Lover, คิด...Kiss, ต้องการรักแท้, ฟังหัวใจตัวเอง, เชื่อฉัน
, ส่วนหนึ่งของฉัน

มาเฟีย เร็คคอร์ด - ผีกาก้า, ไอ้แมงสาบอาละวาด

มูน (Moon) -

มิดไนท์ ไครซิส (Midnight Crisis) – นอนหลับนะหรือคือการพักผ่อน

มิ้นท์ – วันส่วนตัว

มิ้นท์ AF3 - เกมของเธอ

มิสเตอร์ทีม (Mr. Team) - คนในฝัน

มิสทีนไทยแลนด์แก๊ง (Miss Teen Thailand Gang) - เก็บดาวดวงนั้นด้วยตัวฉันเอง

เม จีระนันท์ - ก่อนจะเป็นแฟนเก่า นอนไม่หลับ ถ้าไม่กลับพร้อมเธอ, ก่อนจะเป็นแฟนเก่า (MV), เทียนไข

เม ลีเดีย ฝ้าย – ทำไมไม่รับสักที, หายไปกับดอกไม้, อยู่นานๆนะ,

แม็กเจนต้า (Magenta) - โอ้ทะเล

แมดแพ็คอิท – ไม่รู้ทำไม

แมทธิว ดีน (Matthew Deane) - When I fall in love

แมว จิรศักดิ์ - เพื่อเธอคนเดียว

โมเดิร์น ด๊อก - กันและกัน (Ost. Final Score)

โมโนโทน กรุ๊พ Monotone Group - หยุด Locked

ไมค์ ภิรมย์พร – กระเป๋าแบนแฟนทิ้ง, ยาใจคนจน

ไมโคร Micro - อยากจะบอกใครสักคน, อย่าดีกว่า

ริทึ่มเมติค (Rhythmatique) - ลืม

เรทโทรสเปค (Retrospect) - ไม่มีเธอ, ปล่อยฉัน, เพราะว่ารัก, สุดที่รัก

แร็พเตอร์ (Rapter) - คิดถึงเธอ (Karaoke Version)

โรส (Rose) - When I'm feeling blue, เกิดมาแค่รักกัน, นอนกับความเหงา
, ดอกไม้ในมือ, ฉัันเลือกเธอ

ละอองฟอง - ต่างใจเดียว

ลาบานูน (Labanoon) - ความดีที่ไม่อยากทำ

ลานนา คัมมินส์ - จ้องตากับความเหงา ปล่อยให้ฉันร้องไห้

เลมอนซุป (Lemon Soup) - ระหว่างเรา

ลิน่า (Lina) - กอด

ลิปตา (Lipta) – Playgirl, ถ้าฉันเปลี่ยนใจเธอได้, ฝืน,

ลิฟมีท (Love meat)- ฝันฉ่ำฉ่ำ

ลีเดีย (Lydia) - ได้ไหม ... ถ้าฉันจะบอกว่ารักเธอ, ว่างแล้วช่วยโทรกลับ, You have a call (feat. DDZ),
ระหว่างเราคืออะไร, ระหว่างเราคืออะไร(MV)

ลีโอ พุฒ - เธอมีจริงหรือเปล่า

ลูกปัด - ใจนักเลง

ลูกหว้า Doobadoo - อย่าทำให้ฟ้าผิดหวัง

เลิฟ (Love) - เธอกับฉัน

เล้าโลม – ใส่ไม่ยั้ง, หยุดได้ไหม , เพื่อนกับแฟนแทนกันไม่ได้, ข้ามรุ่น

ไลค์ เบอร์รี่ - มีค่าเพราะรักเธอ

วัดใจ (Ost. Seasons Change)

วอยซ์เมล Voice Male - ซื้อกุหลาบให้ตัวเอง, วูบหนึ่งในคืนเหงา

ว่าน แพลม AF2 – ซักเรื่องได้ไหม, ไม่คิดว่าจะรักเธอ

วิด ไฮเปอร์ – ช่วงอันตราย

สครับบ์ (Scrubb) – ใกล้, เข้ากันดี

สควีซ แอนนิมอล Sqweez Animal - เริ่มใหม่, Let's Cry

สไนเปอร์ (Sniper) – ฤดูที่ไม่เคยเปลี่ยน, หนึ่งในล้าน

สปินเฮด (Spin Head) - ไม่ได้หลายใจ, ู้เจ้าชู้

สมพล - ยังไงก็รัก (Ost ยังไงก็รัก)

สล็อตแมชชีน (Slotmachine)- ไม่รักก็บอกไม่รัก, สิ่งหนึ่งในใจ

สลีปเปอร์ 1 (Sleeper 1) - จำ

สิงห์เหนือ เสือใต้ - คนเห็นหมี

เสนาหอย - ดำจัง, เท่าไหร่ก็เอา, รักไม่ใช่ประเด็น

สุนทรี - โทรหากันหน่อย

สุนทรี เวชานนท์ - ล่องแม่ปิง

เสก โลโซ - 14 อีกครั้ง, คิดได้ยังไง, เหงา คิดถึง รอ

เสือใหญ่ - ได้ยินแล้วหายเหนื่อย, วัตถุคล้ายเพลง, หัวใจล้มเหลว

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Business School Essay Secrets

by Geoffrey Cook, Founder

Business school students face a uniquely difficult challenge, because most programs require a series of essays rather than a single, comprehensive personal statement. This fact alone should indicate the importance that business schools place on your written responses. Part of the reason for this extra required writing is that business schools also place a stronger emphasis on practical experience. Academic ability may still be the number-one factor, but it's not enough to get you into a school, just as it's not enough to guarantee your success in the business world. Business schools pay close attention to personal qualities, including your leadership, communication skills, initiative, vision, and many more. Grades and scores do not explain this side of you, and neither does a resume.

Thus your admission will depend largely on your ability to convey your experiences and goals in written form. Self-assessment is a significant part of this process, as is a careful review of both your life and what you have done professionally. Many successful professionals have simply never had to articulate their accomplishments before and now for the first time must communicate this information in a very clear, concise, powerful manner that is accessible to anyone, even without knowledge of their field. Being able to convey both the substance and significance of one's work life is crucial for all applicants.

As the founder of, the Net's largest admissions essay prep company, I have seen firsthand the difference a well-written application essay can make. Through its free online admissions essay help course and 300 Harvard-educated editors, helps tens of thousands of student each year improve their essays and gain admission to business schools ranging from Harvard to State U.

Having personally edited over 2,000 admissions essays myself for, I have written this article to help you avoid the most common essay flaws. If you remember nothing else about this article, remember this: Be Interesting. Be Concise.

Why MBA? Nearly all applications will feature a question that asks about your reasons for wanting to obtain an MBA at this stage of your career. Some will explicitly ask you to tie these reasons into your background and your goals. Even for schools that don't offer this specific direction, you should plan on such a discussion of past and future, as it provides essential context for your application.

"Why MBA?" is often the first question asked and without a doubt the most important essay you will write. It includes essential information about whether you're qualified, whether you're prepared, and where you're headed. The other essays fill in details about these fundamental points, but a strong answer about, for example, how you overcame a failure will not revive a candidacy that failed based on a lack of career focus.

Every answer should contain the following elements, unless the application has separate questions addressing them individually: 1. Your long- and short-term goals.2. Your relevant past experience.3. An assessment of your strengths and the gaps in your experience/education.4. How an MBA program will bridge your past and future and fill in those gaps.5. Why this particular MBA program is a good match for your needs.

There are no groundbreaking reasons for pursuing an MBA. This is not a place to aim for bold originality. Rather, you should focus on articulating detailed reasons that are specific to your situation. Moreover, there is plenty of room to distinguish yourself when discussing past experience and future goals; the reasons themselves, however, come from a more limited set. That said, you should not try to drop buzzwords for their own sake. Make sure you tie your specific objectives to other aspects of your application.


1. Don't Use Company Jargon. As a prospective business student, you have probably spent the past few years in a corporate environment with its own in-house terminology. Remember that you are writing for a reader who hasn't attended your company's meetings or contributed to its products. You should certainly describe various aspects of your professional life--your leadership skills, your career trajectory, your triumph in the face of obstacles, and so on--but do so in language that is as accessible to your reader as it is to you. Imagine that you are composing a document for a customer who must decide whether to buy a particular product: you. Write clearly and personably.

2. Don't Bore the Reader. Do Be Interesting. Admissions officers have to read hundreds of essays, and they must often skim. Abstract rumination has no place in an application essay. Admissions officers aren't looking for a new way to view the world; they're looking for a new way to view you the applicant. The best way to grip your reader is to begin the essay with a captivating snapshot. Notice how the slightly jarring scene depicted in the "after" creates intrigue and keeps the reader's interest.

Before: I am a compilation of many years of experiences gained from overcoming the relentless struggles of life.

After: I was six years old, the eldest of six children in the Bronx, when my father was murdered.
3. Do Use Personal Detail. Show, Don't Tell! Good essays are concrete and grounded in personal detail. They do not merely assert "I learned my lesson" or that "these lessons are useful both on and off the field." They show it through personal detail. "Show don't tell," means if you want to relate a personal quality, do so through your experiences and do not merely assert it.

Before: If it were not for a strong support system which instilled into me strong family values and morals, I would not be where I am today.

After: Although my grandmother and I didn't have a car or running water, we still lived far more comfortably than did the other families I knew. I learned an important lesson: My grandmother made the most of what little she had, and she was known and respected for her generosity. Even at that age, I recognized the value she placed on maximizing her resources and helping those around her.

The first example is vague and could have been written by anybody. But the second sentence evokes a vivid image of something that actually happened, placing the reader in the experience of the applicant.

4. Do Be Concise. Don't Be Wordy. Wordiness not only takes up valuable space, but also confuses the important ideas you're trying to convey. Short sentences are more forceful because they are direct and to the point. Certain phrases, such as "the fact that," are usually unnecessary. Notice how the revised version focuses on active verbs rather than forms of "to be" and adverbs and adjectives.

Before: My recognition of the fact that we had finally completed the research project was a deeply satisfying moment that will forever linger in my memory.

After: Completing the research project at last gave me an enduring sense of fulfillment.

5. Do Address Your Weaknesses.

Don't Dwell on Them. At some point on your application, you will have an opportunity to explain deficiencies in your record, and you should take advantage of it. Be sure to explain them adequately: "I partied too much to do well on tests" will not help your application. The best tactic is to spin the negatives into positives by stressing your attempts to improve; for example, mention your poor first-quarter grades briefly, then describe what you did to bring them up.

Before: My grade point average provides an incomplete evaluation of my potential and of the person I am today, since it fails to reveal my passion and determined spirit which make me unique and an asset to the _______ School of Business.

After: Though my overall grade point average was disappointing, I am confident that the upward trend in my undergraduate transcript will continue in business school. Furthermore, my success on the GMAT and in the corporate world since graduation reinforces my conviction that I have a keen business sense--one that I hope to develop at the _______ School of Business.

6. Do Vary Your Sentences and Use Transitions. The best essays contain a variety of sentence lengths mixed within any given paragraph. Also, remember that transition is not limited to words like nevertheless, furthermore or consequently. Good transition flows from the natural thought progression of your argument.

Before: I started playing piano when I was eight years old. I worked hard to learn difficult pieces. I began to love music.

After: I started playing the piano at the age of eight. As I learned to play more difficult pieces, my appreciation for music deepened.

7. Do Use Active Voice Verbs Passive-voice expressions are verb phrases in which the subject receives the action expressed in the verb. Passive voice employs a form of the word to be, such as was or were. Overuse of the passive voice makes prose seem flat and uninteresting.
Before: The lessons that have prepared me for my career as an executive were taught to me by my mother.

After: My mother taught me lessons that will prove invaluable in my career as an executive.

8. Do Seek Multiple Opinions. Ask your friends and family to keep these questions in mind:
Does my essay have one central theme?
Does my introduction engage the reader? Does my conclusion provide closure?
Do my introduction and conclusion avoid summary?
Do I use concrete experiences as supporting details?
Have I used active-voice verbs wherever possible?
Is my sentence structure varied, or do I use all long or short sentences?
Are there any cliches such as "cutting edge" or "learned my lesson?"
Do I use transitions appropriately?
What about the essay is memorable?
What's the worst part of the essay?
What parts of the essay need elaboration or are unclear?
What parts of the essay do not support my main argument?
Is every single sentence crucial to the essay? This must be the case.
What does the essay reveal about my personality?

9. Don't Wander. Do Stay Focused.

Many applicants try to turn the personal statement into a complete autobiography. Not surprisingly, they find it difficult to pack so much information into such a short essay, and their essays end up sounding more like a list of experiences than a coherent, well-organized thought.

Make sure that every sentence in your essay exists solely to support one central theme.

10. Do Revise, Revise, Revise.

The first step in an improving any essay is to cut, cut, and cut some more.
SAMPLE ESSAY Please discuss the factors, both professional and personal, influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. What are your career goals for the future, and why is now the appropriate time to pursue an MBA at NAME? How will you avail yourself of the resources at NAME to achieve these goals?
Turkish news nowadays carry vivid images which have become terrifyingly commonplace: the surface of the sea littered with dead sheep; a landfill explosion leading to a number of deaths; vendors offering radiation-contaminated tea for half-price; a little girl's death resulting from her fall through an open sewage manhole in her schoolyard; radioactive waste sold to unsuspecting scrap dealers; a twenty-year-old tanker breaking into pieces, spilling hundreds of tons of crude oil into the ocean and killing sea life all around.

The frequency with which these environmental disasters fill Turkish news broadcasts -- along with the obvious insensitivity of the authorities towards both environment and health issues -- prompted me to learn about ways to prevent these types of disasters. At the age of fifteen, I decided to focus my studies on environmental sciences in order to equip myself with the technical tools I would need to make a real contribution.

After earning a master's degree in environmental sciences, I completed a professional international management certificate program in order to gain a management perspective of the field. I then realized that, in order to effectively combine my technical knowledge and management skills, I needed to accumulate real-world experience. Specifically, working at a large company would allow me to develop insight into various industries, as well as an overarching vision of the international business arena.

I have now worked for nearly two years in the energy and environment group of Koc Holding, Turkey's first and biggest diversified conglomerate. As a project engineer, I am mainly responsible for our holding companies' environment and energy sector investments. This position has given me the opportunity to interact with businessmen from all over the world, thereby expanding my international perspective. Because of my outstanding work performance, I was chosen to attend various meetings with local and international governmental bodies such as OPIC, IFC, and the World Bank. It is highly unusual for a young associate to represent the company at such events, and my self-confidence -- as well as my management skills -- was further enhanced by that successful experience.

While working in various business lines, including the automotive industry, consumer durables, and the energy sector, I have realized that the root cause of many environmental problems is financial. I believe that many people in the environmental sector are so ignorant or insensitive that they will cheat customers to increase profits. Furthermore, businesses do not prioritize environmental investments; as a result, insufficient funds are allocated to adequately prevent problems. For instance, despite a population over eight million people, Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, still lacks a properly operating sewage system. In most of the areas of the city, waste water is discharged directly into the Bosphorus.

In the long term, I hope to help solve my country's problems by starting my own environmental-services business in Turkey. The company will serve both local and international customers by providing cost-effective, adaptable solutions ranging from waste management to safety management. In order to accomplish this goal, however, I must deepen my knowledge of the field. Despite my experience, I still lack some important knowledge and management skills, especially in finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. I am also aware that my knowledge of American environmental issues is insufficient. Since dealing with aspects of international business will be an integral part of my job as an entrepreneur, it is essential that I fill in these gaps.

The NAME School's MBA program is the perfect bridge from where I am to where I want to be. I am attracted by the inventiveness and uniqueness of its entrepreneurial and finance programs, and believe that I will increase my practical knowledge of entrepreneurship by interacting with my classmates. I value the fact that at NAME entrepreneurial education does not stop at the classroom, but rather continues through internships and extracurricular activities. I feel that a business school for entrepreneurs should balance a dose of theory with real-world application, and NAME's curriculum and hands-on experiences through associations, internships, and the management field study provide such balance.

I am also drawn to NAME because of the school's emphasis on teamwork and technology, reflected by such exciting courses and programs as High Technology Entrepreneurship, International Finance, 12-week field application projects, and the global immersion program directed to teach global thinking and global action. Additionally, the school's profusion of student groups and its flexible entrepreneurial program -- with electives from 200 courses -- will allow me to tailor my course of study directly to my career interests. It is precisely this flexibility that I plan to draw on while at NAME and beyond, by taking advantage of (and contributing to) the school's strong international alumni network.

Above all, a NAME MBA will help me strengthen both the finance knowledge and the entrepreneurial skills necessary to secure a position as an environmental specialist in a multinational American-based firm. Such a position, in turn, will prepare me to accomplish my long-term ambition of building my own company. By developing and maximizing the technical knowledge and managerial skills I have already accumulated, NAME will allow me to ultimately make a concrete and substantial contribution to Turkey's environment.


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